Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
“Modular and Lean Architecture with Elasticity for Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication on FPGAs”[PDF][Slides]
Abhishek Kumar Jain, Chirag Ravishankar, Hossein Omidian, Sharan Kumar, Maithilee Kulkarni, Aashish Tripathi, and Dinesh Gaitonde
IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), May 2023.“Sparse Deep Neural Network Acceleration on HBM-Enabled FPGA Platform”[PDF][Slides]
Abhishek Kumar Jain, Sharan Kumar, Aashish Tripathi, and Dinesh Gaitonde
IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC), September 2021.“A Domain-Specific Architecture for Accelerating Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication on FPGAs”[PDF][Video]
Abhishek Kumar Jain, Hossein Omidian, Henri Fraisse, Mansimran Benipal, Lisa Liu, and Dinesh Gaitonde
IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), August 2020.“High Throughput Accelerator Interface Framework for a Linear Time-Multiplexed FPGA Overlay”[PDF]
Xiangwei Li, Kizheppatt Vipin, Douglas L Maskell, Suhaib A Fahmy, and Abhishek Kumar Jain
International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), August 2020.“Microscope on Memory: MPSoC-enabled Computer Memory System Assessments”[PDF][Slides][Poster]
Abhishek Kumar Jain, Scott Lloyd, and Maya Gokhale
IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), Boulder, CO, USA, May 2018.“A Time-Multiplexed FPGA Overlay with Linear Interconnect”[PDF][Slides]
Xiangwei Li, Abhishek Kumar Jain, Douglas L Maskell, and Suhaib A Fahmy
Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), Dresden, Germany, March 2018.“Are Coarse-Grained Overlays Ready for General Purpose Application Acceleration on FPGAs?”[PDF][Slides]
Abhishek Kumar Jain, Douglas L Maskell, and Suhaib A Fahmy
IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Auckland, New Zealand, August 2016.“DeCO: A DSP Block Based FPGA Accelerator Overlay With Low Overhead Interconnect”[PDF][Slides]
Abhishek Kumar Jain, Xiangwei Li, Pranjul Singhai, Douglas L Maskell, and Suhaib A Fahmy
IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), Washington DC, USA, May 2016.“Throughput Oriented FPGA Overlays Using DSP Blocks”[PDF][Slides]
Abhishek Kumar Jain, Douglas L Maskell, and Suhaib A Fahmy
Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), Dresden, Germany, March 2016.“Efficient Overlay Architecture Based on DSP Blocks”[PDF][Slides][Poster]
Abhishek Kumar Jain, Suhaib A Fahmy, and Douglas L Maskell
IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), Vancouver, Canada, May 2015.“Microkernel Hypervisor for a Hybrid ARM-FPGA Platform”[PDF][Slides]
Khoa Dang Pham, Abhishek Kumar Jain, Jin Cui, Suhaib A Fahmy, and Douglas L Maskell
IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP), Washington, DC, June 2013.
Peer-Reviewed Journal and Magazine Articles
“Coarse Grained FPGA Overlay for Rapid Just-In-Time Accelerator Compilation”[PDF]
Abhishek Kumar Jain, Douglas L Maskell, and Suhaib A Fahmy
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 33(6):1478–1490, June 2022.“The Evolution of Domain-Specific Computing for Deep Learning”[PDF]
Stephen Neuendorffer, Alireza Khodamoradi, Kristof Denolf, Abhishek Kumar Jain, and Samuel Bayliss
IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, May 2021.“Performance Assessment of Emerging Memories Through FPGA Emulation”[PDF]
Abhishek Kumar Jain, Scott Lloyd, and Maya Gokhale
Special Issue on Emerging Memory Technologies, IEEE Micro, Jan 2019.“Adapting the DySER Architecture with DSP Blocks as an Overlay for the Xilinx Zynq”[PDF][Slides]
Abhishek Kumar Jain, Xiangwei Li, Suhaib A Fahmy, and Douglas L Maskell
ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News (CAN), 43(4):28–33, September 2016.“Virtualized Execution and Management of Hardware Tasks on a Hybrid ARM-FPGA Platform”[PDF]
Abhishek Kumar Jain, Khoa Dang Pham, Jin Cui, Suhaib A Fahmy, and Douglas L Maskell
Journal of Signal Processing Systems (JSPS), vol. 77, no. 1-2, pp. 61–76, October 2014, Springer.
Peer-Reviewed Workshop Papers
“Run-time Reconfiguration of NoC in Xilinx ACAP Architecture”[PDF]
Aman Gupta, Sagheer Ahmed, Abhishek Kumar Jain, Ygal Arbel, Abbas Morshed, and David Schultz
International Workshop on Network on Chip Architectures (NOCARC), October 2020.“Role of on-chip networks in building domain-specific architectures (DSAs) for sparse computations (Invited)”[Video]
Abhishek Kumar Jain
ACM/IEEE International Workshop on System Level Interconnect Prediction (SLIP), October 2020.“LiME: An Open Source Memory System Emulation Platform”[PDF]
Abhishek Kumar Jain, Scott Lloyd, and Maya Gokhale
Workshop for Open Source Supercomputing OpenSuCo, November 2017.“Resource-Aware Just-in-Time OpenCL Compiler for Coarse-Grained FPGA Overlays”[PDF][Slides]
Abhishek Kumar Jain, Douglas L Maskell, and Suhaib A Fahmy
Third International Workshop on Overlay Architectures for FPGAs (OLAF), February 2017.“An Area-Efficient FPGA Overlay using DSP Block based Time-multiplexed Functional Units”[PDF][Slides]
Xiangwei Li, Abhishek Kumar Jain, Douglas L Maskell, and Suhaib A Fahmy
Second International Workshop on Overlay Architectures for FPGAs (OLAF), February 2016.“Coarse-Grained FPGA Overlays for On-demand Acceleration of Data Center Workloads”[PDF][Poster]
Abhishek Kumar Jain, Douglas L Maskell, and Suhaib A Fahmy
Second International Workshop on Heterogeneous High-performance Reconfigurable Computing (H2RC), November 2016.